Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How can we categorize Banksy's work -graffiti or murals?

How can we categorize Banksy's work -graffiti or murals?Research Banksy's work to attempt to answer this question.What are some of the differing opinions about Banksy's work?How does his work sit in relation to consumerism? Can his work be sold?What are some of his attitudes to the sale of Art?Who is Banksy? Do we know his true identity?Upload 2-3 images of Banksy's work that you find interesting, and commenton the ideas behind the work.

Industrialisation and Art- week 7

1.Define the Industrial Revolution and Industrialism.
2.Research Monet's painting 'Impression Sunrise'(1873) to analyze the work in relation to Industrialisation.

'Impression Sunrise' (1873)

3.Olafur Eliasson's 'Weather Project'(2006) is a contemporary work that relates to Monet's
famous landscape.

Research the project to identitify the artist's intentions, as well as the site (space or venue) chosen for the project, to provide depth for your answer.

'Weather Project' (2006)
Olafur Eliasson

Week 6 - Landscape and the Sublime

'Untitled' (2002) Richard Misrach

Richard Misrach's photography reflects the concept of the Sublime, from the Enlightenment.

Research Misrach's work by reading about his intentions, and also by looking at the work. Then answer the following questions;

1. What and when was the Enlightenment?
2. Define the concept of the Sublime.
3. How did the concept of the Sublime come out of the Enlightenment thought?
4. Discuss the subject matter, and aesthetic (look) of Misrach's work to identify the Sublime in his work. Add some more images.
5. Identify some other artists or designers that work with ideas around the Sublime, from the Enlightenment era as well as contemporary artists.
6. How does Misrach's photography make you feel? Does it appeal to your imagination?
7. Add a Sublime image of your choice to your blog, which can be Art or just a Sublime photograph.

Science and Progress-Tony Oursler- week 5
New York 1996
'Eyes' 1996

Research Tony Oursler's projection sculpture to identify some of the ideas and methods he uses in his work.

How do you think the Enlightenment concepts of Science, progress, reason, individualism, empiricism, universalism, freedom and secularism can be applied to Oursler's work?

Refer to pages 96 and 97 in the ALVC handbook for the full list of key ideas of the Enlightenment. Also use Youtube, the internet and the library to research Oursler's work.

Week 4- Damien Hirst and the diamond skull.
As we will be at Noho Marae at Awataha in week 4, this blog question is for week 4 and week 5.Research the art work of Damien Hirst, in particular his work 'For the love of God'(2008), a diamond encrusted skull.Discuss how Hirst's persona and work relate to the Renaissance concepts of Mercantillism and the (increased) status of the artist.