Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Science and Progress-Tony Oursler- week 5
New York 1996
'Eyes' 1996

Research Tony Oursler's projection sculpture to identify some of the ideas and methods he uses in his work.

How do you think the Enlightenment concepts of Science, progress, reason, individualism, empiricism, universalism, freedom and secularism can be applied to Oursler's work?

Refer to pages 96 and 97 in the ALVC handbook for the full list of key ideas of the Enlightenment. Also use Youtube, the internet and the library to research Oursler's work.

1 comment:

  1. Eye in the Sky features a fiberglass sphere onto which is projected a single eye watching television. Although the rest of the body is not visible, we can hear the sounds of channel surfing. For Oursler, the fragmentary nature of the piece the disembodied eye, the reflected television screen and the rapidly changing channels.
