Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Week 4- Damien Hirst and the diamond skull.
As we will be at Noho Marae at Awataha in week 4, this blog question is for week 4 and week 5.Research the art work of Damien Hirst, in particular his work 'For the love of God'(2008), a diamond encrusted skull.Discuss how Hirst's persona and work relate to the Renaissance concepts of Mercantillism and the (increased) status of the artist.


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  2. Damien Hirst's latest artwork is this life-size platinum skull covered in 8,601 fine diamonds. The sculpture, titled "For The Love of God," will likely sell for as much as $100 million, making it the priciest artwork ever made. Hirst exhibited the diamond skull at the historic Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. The skull was exhibited next to an exhibition of paintings from the collection of the museum that were selected and by Hirst. According to Wim Pijbes the museum director, there wasn't however to show the skull in the historic museum among the board members. Damiens views were to treasure life and to show that money meant nothing after death.

    Nevertheless the skull is a symbol of mortality that has been often used by the classical artists – from the Renaissance to the Romanticism from 19th century. Even artists like Picasso had been captured by this dark symbol. Damiens views were to treasure life and to show that money meant nothing after death.
